The growth of Telegram channels in the format of blogs has made the messenger one of the most convenient platforms for receiving information about the latest news and events. Moreover, the channels work at high speed — as if you were getting news in a message from your friend.
This is very valuable in the world of business and investment, where the winner is the one who is promptly informed about important trends in the market.
Here we have gathered 13 of the best Telegram channels about entrepreneurship, startups, and investments in 2023.
Startup Ideas
One of the best Telegram channels for those looking to start a business from scratch.
In today’s world where everything seems to have been invented before you, it can be hard to find a new idea for a startup. That’s why Startup Ideas is constantly providing subscribers with new ideas for starting a new business or improving an existing one.
The main perks: a lot of out-of-the-box ideas and frequent posts about untapped niche markets.
Business & Finance News
The Business & Finance News channel is a daily news feed with a focus on business and analysis. Mostly covers news in the U.S. market.
Articles cover business policy, financial news, economic issues, stock market data, local business, technology, and more.
Technology Review
The channel regularly reviews technologies and gadgets emerging in the market. Brief and interesting posts about IT, technology, robots, and what of these will soon be in our hands. You’ll know about it before anyone else.
Subscribe, if you would like to receive daily updates on everything that happens in the world of technology.
As a channel that fully lives up to its name, Statista provides us with interesting materials every day in the format of infographics. Visual content focuses on trends, technology, economics, and geopolitics.
If you are a fan of Apple or at least own their gadgets, then this channel may be of interest to you.
We should mention right away that it is not an official Apple channel. However, the authors publish daily selections of materials about everything related to the company’s products, new developments, and innovations. A great example of a narrowly focused channel.
Venture Capital
Blog about Silicon Valley, startups, and investments. The channel regularly publishes in-depth analyses of events in the economy and financial markets.
Subscribing to this channel, the novice investors will gain a lot of new information, and experienced investors will be able to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the market environment.
The channel will be useful to both aspiring entrepreneurs and heads of large enterprises. It regularly publishes high-quality materials about business, startups, and marketing.
In addition, the authors of the channel post recommendations on how to get out of difficult situations, links to thematic resources, and lists of useful materials. Longreads that you want to read to the end.
Unicorns — Startups, Business & Entrepreneurship
If you want to start your own business or already have one, we recommend joining Unicorns.
Here you will get news and ideas about startups that will help you grow your business. As well as infographics and charts related to startups and business news. Furthermore, they post news about upcoming innovations and creative ideas that you can implement.
Trends Review: IT, technology, business
Another channel that is a useful resource for news and knowledge about new technologies and IT.
Trends Review collects and publishes business news, useful articles, and videos from various thematic resources. All materials are presented concisely and are accompanied by interesting video or photo content. The motto of the channel is “entertaining, brief, and useful”.
Visual Capitalist
Visual Capitalist is one of the fastest-growing online publishers globally, focused on topics including markets, energy, and the global economy.
The channel provides data-driven visual content on global trends, investing, and technology. The materials are presented succinctly and accompanied by links to sources where you can find detailed information.
Business & Investment Tips
A channel with useful information for those who are just starting a business.
The authors share business ideas that will be relevant in 2023, as well as common mistakes that startups make and how to avoid them. There are different statistics and useful selections of materials. Reading this channel is not only useful, but also entertaining.
Business Plan & Tips
The channel is devoted to the topic of business planning and states that it is the key to a strong foundation in business.
Business Plan & Tips goes over planning tips and tricks in depth and explains why they are important for entrepreneurs. Materials on the channel may be of interest to both novice and experienced businessmen.
Titan financial
This blog focuses on information about the world economy, finances, startups, people, and their experiences.
Through the information on the channel, you will gain knowledge and skills in finance that will allow you to correctly assess the situation on the market and make smart decisions.
Now you know the Telegram channels about business, startups, and investments that are definitely worth subscribing to in 2023.